I Farmaci Da Banco Sono I Medicinali Di Libera Vendita


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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is still the most prescribed way to treat symptoms of menopause as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Medicines containing various forms of the female hormones estrogen and progestin are highly effective at reducing the symptoms of menopause. Many hormone products are available as less-expensive generics, and some brand-name products are reasonably priced, too. Taking into account the wide array of products available to meet women's individual needs and preferences, we list the following women's health products:

If you and your partner are having difficulties conceiving, then you are probably eager to find out if you are suffering from an underlying fertility problem. Sometimes, infertility can be the result of reproductive issues caused by the use of recreational and prescription drugs. Certain drugs including high blood pressure medication, antidepressants and steroids can also negatively affect female fertility, inhibiting the release of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones needed for ovulation, disrupting menstruation, and causing the appearance of masculine traits.

Salute Della Donna: Lista dei farmaci da banco