I Farmaci Da Banco Sono I Medicinali Di Libera Vendita


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If you have problems, which are related to ED (erectile dysfunction), a lot of ED drugs are put on sale in order to help men who suffer from ED. From 15 million to 30 million men suffer from ED. Damage to nerves, arteries and smooth muscles is the most common cause of ED. Certain lifestyle choices like smoking, being overweight, and not exercising also raise the risk of erectile dysfunction.

There are popular drugs, which can aid you in healing ED. Due to the fact that Viagra is extremely popular among men, who suffer from ED, and therefore it seems to be highly effective. It can be prescribed in 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg dosage and can be rather effective. The effect of Cialis lasts up to 36 hours (in comparison with Viagra that works only for four hours). The dosage of 20mg of Cialis is equivalent to100mg of Viagra. Brand Cialis costs about $22 per pill. Fortunately, there exist generic versions of Cialis. Levitra is the third drug in a group of medicines that delay enzymes called phosphodiesterases from working too quickly, and is used to treat men who have erectile dysfunction. Tamsulosin is in a group of drugs called alpha-adrenergic blockers. Tamsulosin relaxes the smooth muscles around your veins and arteries so that blood can more easily pass through them.

Salute Dell' Uomo: Lista dei farmaci da banco